Garden Centers & Nurseries in Idaho April 2022 | Page 2



Spring Gardening & Landscaping
One of the best perks of living in Idaho comes around the delightful Spring Season . Spring is the time of year when Southern Idaho comes alive amid a sea of flowers with stunning vibrant colors and pleasant aromas . Getting a head start to the growing season has plenty of benefits , from producing more vegetables throughout the year to having flower beds filled with lovely and inviting colors earlier on in the season . When it isn ’ t quite time to get started planting outdoors , there is still plenty that may be done to give any garden a great head start to the growing season . Be sure to start with a little research on the recommended planting dates for each zone to ensure that you ’ re not planting too early .
Many enjoy allocating early Spring as a time to begin the process of starter seedlings indoors . Some take this time to prepare by outlining the items that they will need and gathering the makings of their newest additions to the garden . Perhaps , sprucing up any remainder landscaping throughout the yard is also on the list of things to get accomplished . Combining outdoor projects has the potential to bring spaces together for a streamlined appearance . Gathering all the materials needed to help make for a fantastic growing season can make for quite a rewarding accomplishment , most notably when all the necessities are gathered and ready to help you get started planting when the time comes .
For starters , what type of garden would you like to accomplish this year ? Moreover , what steps need to be performed to bring the ideal garden or landscaping spaces about ? There are several types of garden types to consider choosing from , or you may decide to wing it and go with a system streamlined to meet your specific gardening goals . Whatever you decide , have fun and enjoy all the benefits of planting , gardening , landscaping , and being outdoors . Reviewing a few various garden types and landscaping styles may help in the decision process and perhaps provide a few new ideas that may be incorporated into this year ’ s plans .