Garden Catalogue / Catalogue pour jardinerie 2015 | Page 247

11 • PEST CONTROL Sku # REF. QTy/QTé SRP/PDS Sku # REF. QTy/QTé GREEN EARTH GREEN EARTH Insecticidal Soap Conc 500ml SRP/PDS Bio-Mist Gdn Insect Killer RTU 1L 500ml Savon Insecticide 738002001 7380020 1L Aim Fleurs/Legumes Pulv. 12/CS $11.54 738049001 7380490 GREEN EARTH 12/CS $10.35 Slug and Bug Killer Dust 200g 1L Savon Insecticide R+P $11.75 GREEN EARTH Insecticidal Soap Attach and Spray 1L 12/CS 200g Dest Insectes/Limaces 738011001 7380110 12/CS $23.52 738055001 7380550 GREEN EARTH GREEN EARTH Insecticidal Soap RTU 1L Slug and Bug Trap 1ea 1L Savon Insecticide PAE 738012001 7380120 Piège Non Toxique Contre Les Limaces 12/CS $11.08 738072001 7380720 GREEN EARTH GREEN EARTH TreeGuard Tape Caterpillar Barrier 1ea $17.18 12/CS Slug and Bug Attractant 1ea Ruban Collant Protecteur Arbres 738034001 7380340 12/CS Remplisage de Piëge Contre les Limaces et les Insectes $15.97 738073001 7380730 $12.31 24/CS GREEN EARTH GREEN EARTH Horticultural Oil Conc 500ml Japanese Beetle Trap 1ea 500ml Huile Horticole Piège à Scarabèes Japonais Nouveau 738040001 7380400 12/CS $14.26 738074001 7380740 $14.48 12/CS GREEN EARTH GREEN EARTH Bio-Mist Insecticide Conc 250ml Homecare Flying and Crawling Aerosol 350g 250ml Insecticide Bio-Mist 738047001 7380470 350g Ins. Volant/Rampant Aerosol 12/CS $24.43 738101001 7381010 WEST / OUEST t: 604.882.7699; 888.747.4769 • f: 604.882.7659; 888.933.3385 • EAST / EST t: 519.220.1151; 800.265.5139 • f: 519.220.1152; 800.616.1516 • 12/CS $11.94 223