Gap Viewbook | Page 2

Alzar Gap Viewbook
Expand your horizons

WHY TAKE A GAP PROGRAM ? alzargap . org

A gap year is an opportunity for young adults to take a break from
Our programs are designed to allow participants to discover new traditional education in order to learn more about themselves and the interests and passions under the mentorship of inspiring instructors world , while clarifying goals before their next step . According to the and community leaders . Participants can expect to learn about critical 2015 National Alumni Survey conducted by Temple University and the global and local issues , gain insight into another culture , and find a American Gap Association , students have reported real benefits from new sense of confidence through a life changing experience . Having taking a gap year , particularly geared towards personal growth . Of the matured and broadened perspectives through participation in a gap students surveyed , 98 % of participants said their gap year helped them program , Alzar Gap students are better prepared for life after high develop as a person , 96 % found it increased their self-confidence , and school .
2 93 % agreed that it increased their communication skills .