Gannochy Report 2022 (V5) | Page 52

Throughout this phase the funders have taken a proactive approach and given significant inputs in time and ongoing support and advice to the partners through regular meetings and providing venues , resources and advice and information along the way .
Having been so instrumental to making the project a success it was relevant to ask the main funding representatives to give their feedback on the main benefits of the project and how the see the future evolving .
These answers are compiled by Steven Greig , Development Manager , Gannochy Trust and Brian Hutton , Youth Services Manager , Perth and Kinross Council , Youth Services Manager .
“ The Gannochy Trust and Perth and Kinross Council developed this new approach to their funding because we recognised that we were both supporting year on year funding applications from the same youth work providers across Perth and Kinross . This model of funding encouraged competition rather than collaboration and delivered short term support with multiple funding applications and reporting administration . We wanted to encourage a more collaborative model of support that went beyond funding , supported core costs as well as project delivery which recognised that the field experts were best placed to meet local needs , and to prioritise their own core and project requirements . We also recognised the national decline in universal youth work and the need to sustain the universal approach as a foundation block of quality youth work .”
" Although we intended improved collaboration between delivery partners , the first three years has exceed our greatest aspirations . Partners have fully embraced the collaborative approach , with partners working together to deliver an authority wide Youth Voice forum , collaborating to gain additional funding , Perth and Kinross wide youth work events , and the ability to make training events more viable for youth work staff with a larger pool of delegates ."