Gannochy Report 2022 (V5) | Page 17


P1 . Added value beyond that brought by the funding alone :


Things that are currently happening like our What ’ s App chat group and hosted visits to each other ’ s organisation helps get to know each other on lots of different levels .”
A common theme that emerged in interviews with partners was that through working together they have enhanced their understanding of the challenges and services . In some cases this has meant going and working for each other as AYP explained :
" As part of the additional targeted Cash Back funded partnership programme I did 6 shifts in the YMCA ’ s Friday night drop in and just being around different staff and young people was really worthwhile ."
Openly sharing the challenges that each partner faced helped partners to understand that Universal Youth Work really meant widening access to young people that were not already engaged . However , the project meant that they could deal with this constructively , rather than be criticised or fearful of disapproval from funders . In turn all of the partners identified new areas that had no youth work service and recruited new members of staff through the funding .
The YMCA explained that they previously took their services to the outlying parts of Perth and Kinross . However , they no longer need to do this to the same extent , as the Manager confirmed :
" In the past the YMCA has applied for funding to cover work in all of the partnership areas and now , through getting to know the partners and building personal and professional relationships we recognise the benefit of working with local partners as opposed to us working in those areas ."
Consequently the funding is positively helping partners to grasp opportunities and fill gaps in services , in a coordinated manner .
Our understanding of other areas was expanded and developed through facilitated staff and young people ’ s visits to partners projects . And this has been reciprocated with partners visiting us . " BREATHE