resulting fish-killing and making the river
The pollution continued again in
unworthy for bathing and irrigation. Jan-2011 and there was no action on the part
The applicant alleged that a factory named of Govt. respondents except CPCB visiting
“Karo & Co” located at Darshana in Ranaghat Municipality area and Kishanganj
Bangladesh manufacturing sugar, wine, near the border and collecting water
chemicals etc. releases its stored waste water samples.
from lagoon into the river Mathabhanga Being aggrieved and dissatisfied
which ultimately find its way into the river with the inaction and negligence of the
Churni Govt., the applicant filed a writ petition
before Hon’ble High Court of Calcutta. The
The pollution is such intense that the writ petition was heard on Jan, 2013 by
water of Churni river virtually turned black Hon’ble Arun Mishra, Chief Justice and
beyond the points of its recognition due to upon hearing, they were pleased to pass the
release of waste from the industry. order which says there are certain local
The applicant brought the pollution factors due to which pollution is being
problems and its impact to the notice of caused within India also. The Pollution
Ministry of Environment and Forest, Govt. Control Board assured that they will take
of India. In reply, Ministry admitted the proper steps for checking the pollution of
river was polluted by sugar industry and the river within Boundaries of India within a
distillery factory and further informed that period of six weeks. Subsequently a
the river is highly polluted having BOD as contempt application was filed by the
high as 12 mg/l (normal 4-5 mg/l). The applicant against CPCB in High Court of
Ministry expressed their inability to resolve Calcutta and in contempt application was
the issue as the matter did not fall under disposed of in April 2014 with the order
their purview and advised the applicant to which says the petitioner has been asked to
take up the matter with Govt. of Bangladesh. approach before Green Tribunal and no
In the meantime Bangladesh had closed the order will be issued. It has also been noted
factory – but even after that there was that
recurrence of pollution in 2010. The contributes to pollution of the river in the
applicant gave a representation to the Municipal
Minister of External Affairs to take up the untreated waste water and dumping of solid
issue with Govt. of Bangladesh. wastes.
Integrated River Basin Management Society