Newsletter No. 59;
IRBMS; December, 2016 - January, 2017
River Rejuvenation Program in Catchments Dwarkeswar River
The water in the streams are becoming vast stretches of Central India. Soon politics
thinner every passing day since winter is of water will be getting hotter. With last
leaving and summer started entering in the year better rainfall and subsequent winter
vast undulating Central & Western India. season, water crisis was not in news except
The water in the main streams of Damodar, Tamilnadu, where it faced severe drought.
Ajay, Subarnarekha, Koel, Karo, Bansloi are But with summer looming large and
also getting thinner. Most of the reservoirs predicted higher heat this year the water
water is receding with heavy evaporation. crisis is about to start.
The bad hot summer of 2017 will bring the The reasons for severe unreliability of water
worst situation to large number of people resources in our country are twofold: first,
residing near these streams and river banks. our approach to watershed protection,
It is the normal condition year after year in management and governance currently lacks
Integrated River Basin Management Society