GANGA 57th Issue | Page 4

has led to floods in Beki and Manas rivers 1700 inhabited villages along the Saraswati on 13-14th October, 2016. It inundated large river course during Harappan civilization tracts of land in two districts of Assam time and out of which a good number of bordering the Himalayan nation affecting them extended more than 100 ha area width. more than 24000 people. Authorities of two Amravati Ghats pollution worries districts, Barpeta and Baksa, said there was local residents no prior warning by Royal Government of The beautiful Ghats on river Krishna near Bhutan before releasing the water from ancient Amravati town, Guntur district, A.P. Kurichu dam. have deteriorated severely. Large portion of Manas Some of the National Park, a UNESCO heritage site, was ghat areas have now been converted to inundated after an embankment breached garbage though no animal has been affected. Amralingeswara temple, located on the Experts’ view about Saraswati nadi southern bank of river Krishna and its A seven member expert committee led by vicinity had played perfect hosts to lakhs of Prof.K.S.Valdia, eminent geologist, formed pilgrims, sometimes back. by Water Resources Development Ministry, Within a couple of months after the grand Government of river carnival, deposits of mangled Ganesh investigation claims India, after that thorough existence dump yard. The famous of idols that were immersed in water were The river floating aground and greet the visitors at the originated from the Himalayas and after temple ghat. This stretch of the ghat has lost flowing through Haryana, Rajasthan and all its sheen and reminds one of post- northern part of Gujarat met with the tsunami debris. Arabian Sea. An Expert from CGWB also Interestingly the Tourism wing that has claims that a major part of the river flows beautified the Amaralingeswara temple and Saraswati nadi is not a myth. also through Pakistan. 2/3 rd of the river the Krishnaveni ghat, passed the (About 3000 k.m.) flows through India and responsibility of the cleaning to Irrigation 1/3rd through Pakistan. Department. Water flow from river Sutlej is the western sector of the Cauvery water dispute continues river Saraswati, while rivers like Markanda, The Supreme Court has reserved order on Sarsuti etc is the eastern part of the river. maintainability on appeal of Tamil Nadu, The research work by the expert team also Karnataka and Kerala against Tribunal's envisages the truth that there were about order of 2007. Meanwhile, 2000 cusecs/per 4 Integrated River Basin Management Society