GANGA 56th Issue | Page 8
then the German power utilities Bayernwerk
Rivers, Urgewald, the NBA and other
and VEW Energie withdrew from the
human rights groups have successfully
Maheshwar Project. Subsequently, in June,
persuaded western financial institutions not
2000, a team of international experts
to lend money to build the dam. The
commissioned by the Development Ministry
important victory for the struggling people
of the German government visited the valley
of the Narmada valley is the withdrawal of
and came out with a report that sharply
German multinational company Siemens
indicted the Project. In the wake of the
and the German Hypovereinsbank from the
report, Siemens was compelled to withdraw
project in 2000.
its application for an export guarantee from
In October 2015, the National Green
the German government, and a proposed
Tribunal, in a brief order, reiterated its
loan of Rs.5700 million from a German
earlier directions to the 400 MW Maheshwar
bank fell through. On December 13th, 2000,
project proponents to neither lower nor close
Ogden Corporation joined the procession of
its dam gates, nor cause any submergence
companies that were forced to withdraw
without completing the resettlement and
from the Maheshwar project.
rehabilitation (R&R) of affected people. The
In early 2006, after a gap of five years, work
order validates the people’s claim that the
on one of the largest planned dams in the
R&R has not kept up with the project
impacts as stipulated.
400MW Maheshwar Hydropower Project -
Apart from that last year, lenders to the
had resumed, only to be stopped again by
project met and virtually decided to take
the Government of India in June 2006. The
over the project from the hands of its private
dam would submerge the fertile lands and
homes of 100,000 people. On June 9, 2006,
Kumars). This vindicates both the criticism
the government ruled that all construction on
of the project based on its performance on
the dam must cease immediately. Human
R&R front, as well as the questions raised
rights and water activists hope that this is the
about the wisdom of privatizing the project.
final nail in the coffin of the Maheshwar
project. Resistance to the dam has always
Editor- Sujit Choudhury, Published by
been fierce. Thousands of farmers, laborers
and fishermen have repeatedly occupied the
Management Society)
construction site. Meanwhile, International
(Cover map from Site )
Integrated River Basin Management Society