GANGA 56th Issue | Page 6

species of primates, the “golden langurs” to 2009. The rate of sea-level rise was close are found in this island. These langurs to live in groups and are friendly to the cm/decade) tourists who come here. During 1 – 2 accelerating months flood, when the river Brahmaputra is in spate, the island remains cut-off from the world 1.7 (equivalent during to the about to 1.7 20th century, 3.2 mm/year (equivalent to 3.2 cm/decade) on average since the beginning of the 1990s. It has been noted that the largest contribu tions of sea level rise have come from SPECIAL FEATURES mm/year thermal expansion, melting of mountain glaciers, and ice caps melting, Climate Change and Water followed by the ice sheets melting. Some of III the study infers that the human influence on With anthropogenic climate warming and large scale heat absorption by ocean, sea levels are rising across the globe. This rise in sea levels is caused by thermal expansion of the oceans and by the addition of water to the oceans as a result of the melting and discharge of ice from mountain glaciers and ice caps and from the much larger Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. A significant number of the world population is settled along coastlines, many large densely populated cities with extensive infrastructure are there, which may be affected badly. Sea-level rise potentially one of the most severe long-term impacts of climate change. the hydrological cycle through dam building (negative contribution as water is retained on land) and groundwater mining (positive contribution because of a transfer from land to ocean) contributed negatively, to sea-level change over this period. The acceleration of sea-level rise over the last two decades is mostly explained by an increasing land-ice melting over 1972–2008 period in particular, the melting of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. The major influencing factor of water hydrography in South Asia depends apart from the monsoon, the dominant geographical feature, the Hindu Kush and Himalayan mountain complex, which block Updated estimates and reconstructions of sea-level rise by different scientists, based on tidal measures and more recently, satellite observations, indicate more than 20 the northerly push of the monsoon, confining its precipitation effects to the South Asian subcontinent. This complex is also providing, with their snow and glacial cm sea-level rise, since preindustrial times 6 Integrated River Basin Management Society