GANGA 50th Issue | Page 7

Are you saying India missed an without understanding that these are opportunity to become a rallying point for evolutionary resources that are irreplaceable. other nations? Please understand that all our underground Of course; We know how to use our water and surface aquifers are exhausted and we sources just as we know how to extract have no water sources left in our villages. water, and through the centuries, have used This has resulted in huge levels of migration this technology in the most effective manner which in turn is causing huge social without depleting our resources. upheaval. Let me cite an example. Prince Charles Are you saying we should go back to our approached me last year to help provide indigenous systems to conserve water? solutions for the flooding of the Thames Our river in the United Kingdom. I went there to followed make an on-the-spot assessment. I provided approach. Everything was looked at in its him with a traditional Indian solution where totality. We were part of nature. the flow of the river was slowed down by Unfortunately, this world view to live in the construction of small barrages at the harmony with nature has been lost. And, as places where the river meandered. I we lose our underground aquifers and provided them with a typical Indian solution extract more and more water, we must which the UK government has happily realize that the patient has become very sick. accepted. Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke about Now I am invited there once every three the Ganga being his mother. I would like to years to monitor the river flow. There are point out to him that his 'mother Ganga' is in hundreds of Indians who possess similar ICU (intensive care unit and the son is not expertise. Why is the government not using doing anything for her. their skills and knowledge? The drought situation is so intense that Instead, all our water bodies -- whether our farmers are committing suicides across all rivers or our tanks, ponds and wells -- are all our states because no alternative sources of facing major encroachments. We are also water are being made available to them. plagued with the problem of over extraction. I was recently invited to Turkey where I was Our present educational system has come up invited for a United Nations conference on with a breed of students who are taught how to combat desertification where I was subjects such as soil, climate and water uses the keynote speaker. It was attended by indigenous a knowledge decentralized and systems holistic 7 Integrated River Basin Management Society