Water is everywhere in Solar System
alarming rates. 21 of the world’s 37
(Source: MGMI News Journal vol. 40,
largest aquifers from India and China to
NO. 4, March 2015 p.24, Taken from: -
the United States and France have
The New York Times.)
passed their sustainability at tipping
An international team of scientists
removed than replaced during the decade
vents on the Saturn moon Enceladus
long study period. 13 aquifers have been
with temp. of its rocky core surpassing
put into most troubled category, the
1940 F(900c) in spots. The discovery, if
report said. The Report further clarifies
confirmed, would make Enceladus the
that the aquifers under the most stress
only place other than Earth where such
are in poor, densely populated regions,
chemical reaction between rocks and
such as NW India, Pakistan and N.
heated water are known to be occurring
Africa where alternations are limited and
today- and for many scientists it would
water shortages could quickly lead to
make Enceladus a most promising place
instability. The world’s most stressed
to look for life. Another team of space
aquifer, defined as suffering rapid
physicists reported signs of another
depletion with little or any sign of
under-ice Ocean on Ganymede, the
recharging, was the Arabian aquifer, a
largest of Jupiter’s moons. Nasa’s
water source used by more than 60
Galileo spacecraft had also found hints
million people. (The Independent)
of hidden water on Ganymede and on
Govt. against dams that hinder Ganga
another of Jupiter’s moons, Callisto.
NASA Sounds red alert on dipping
ground water:- [source: Times of India,
Considering existing dams to be a
Kolkata: June 18,2015]
hindrance to its ongoing river cleaning
According to new NASA satellite data,
efforts, the Union Water Resource
the world’s largest groundwater aquifer,
Ministry has instructed the Central
source of fresh water for hundreds of
Water Commission not to give its nod
millions of people, is being depleted at
for any new dam in future, if it does not
Integrated River Basin Management Society