GANGA 47th Issue | Page 7

constituted the Narmada Water Dispute that this plan would provide large amounts Tribunal [NWDT], with the solitary aim of of allocating the available river water between desperately required for the purposes of the contending states. In 1979, the NWDT development. And the opponents of the dam declared its award. M.P. was allotted 18.25 question Million Acre-Feet per Year (MAF), Gujarat the Narmada Valley Development Plan. 9 and They question the basis and the assumptions Maharashtra 0.25 MAF of the Narmada of its planning and the cost-benefit analysis. waters. The Tribunal also announced the It seems it is grossly inflated in favour of height of the two proposed kingpin dams: building the dams. MAF, Rajasthan 0.50 MAF, water and the electricity basic which assumptions are of Sardar Sarovar Project (SSP) at 455 feet, SPECIAL FEATURE and Narmada Sagar (renamed Indira Sagar) Project at 860 feet, from mean sea level. After the Award was declared, widespread, Environmental Impact of Dams spontaneous agitation erupted in the plains The common notion is dams and reservoirs of western Nimad, against the proposed are used to supply drinking water, generate submergence of its fertile tracts by the high hydro-electric power, increase the water dams. The protests against these dams supply for irrigation, provide recreational continued till the end, famous social activist opportunities, and improve certain aspect of Ms Medha Patkar led from the front with the the environment. But they also create tribal protesters. adverse environmental and sociological impacts. Few such negative impacts have The controversy over large dams on the been identified during and after many dams River Narmada has raised the important reservoir constructions; question on the just and equitable society in (a) River sediments:- India. It is long and complicated story but it Rivers carry sediment down their river beds, has touched the life of millions of Indians allowing for the formation of depositional who are not even directly involve with it. features such as river deltas, alluvial fans, The Government's plan is to build 30 large, braided rivers, oxbow lakes, levees and 135 medium and 3000 small dams to coastal shores. The construction of a dam harness the waters of the Narmada and its obstructs tributaries. The proponents of the dam claim downstream. It increases the sediment the flow of sediments to 7 Integrated River Basin Management Society