GANGA 46th Issue | Page 2

annual expected urban flood damage in “Jakarta is a bowl, and the bowl is sinking,” India alone is 6.4 billion US$. Interestingly said Fook Chuan Eng, senior water and majority of the Indian cities are vulnerable sanitation specialist with the World Bank, to the river floods and are less resilient to who the flood hazards due to climate change. mitigation project for the city. The channels Number of cities like Jakarta is subsiding of the Ciliwung and other rivers are sinking. due to excess withdrawal of groundwater The entire sprawl of Jakarta’s north coast – which increases their vulnerability to the flood. In India, Kolkata is also facing the similar threat. The unplanned urban growth is causing severe toll on nature which is affecting adversely to large number of people. fishing oversees a ports, $189 million boatyards, flood markets, warehouses, fish farms, crowded slums and exclusive gated communities – it’s all sinking. Even the 40-year-old seawall that is supposed to keep the Java Sea from inundating the Indonesian capital is sinking. Unfortunately, it affects more to Just inside the seawall sits the Muara Baru the poor than the rich. kampong, or village, that is home to more NEWS Jakarta, the Sinking City from a volcano below sea level, and residents like Rahmawati, a mother of two small children, JAKARTA, Indonesia – The Ciliwung River flows than 100,000 people. It is now at least 6 feet south of the Indonesian capital, Jakarta. It passes through the heart of one of the world’s most densely populated cities but could not reach Jakarta Bay in its final stretch 1.5 km or so of its course, because the river would have to flow uphill to reach the bay. The same is true for the rest of the half-dozen sewage-choked gaze upward from their front stoops to view the sea. “When there’s a high tide, the ships float almost at the same height as the seawall – we can see the ships from here,” said Rahmawati. Flooding from overflowing rivers and canals in the area is at least an annual event that forces Rahmawati and the rest of the kampong to evacuate to public buildings nearby. rivers that wind through central Jakarta. The cause of Jakarta’s sinking is subsidence Unable to defy gravity, they’ve been due to over extraction of groundwater. The redirected to canals that drain into the sea. problem is particularly acute in Jakarta The reason is that Greater Jakarta, an because most of its millions of residents agglomeration of 28 million people, sits on a suck water through wells that tap shallow swampy plain that has sunk 13 feet (4 underground aquifers. Wells also provide meters) over the past three decades. 2 Integrated River Basin Management Society