GANGA 45th Issue | Page 8

an extent of area of more than 2000 ha circular) or fern shaped (elongated). The (20 sq. km.). shape of the watershed controls the time 2. Watersheds based on drainage: taken for the run-off to concentrate near Drainage characteristics of a watershed the outlet point. This time is known as can broadly be related to its drainage the time of concentration (tc). A fan- pattern, stream density and drainage shaped watershed provides greater flood density. Drainage pattern is interpreted intensity at the outlet, as all the from the drainage map of the watershed. tributaries are nearly the same. But in an It depends upon the regional geology elongated and pre and post structural control over concentration for each tributary is the catchment area. Stream density is the different, and the discharge at the outlet number of streams in the watershed per is distributed over a long period and as unit area (sq. km.). High stream density such probability of inundation in the is an indication of high inundation of the catchment area is remote. terrain. Drainage density, on the other 4. Watersheds based on other criteria hand, is the total length of all the stream From channels per unit area (sq. km.). watersheds may be categorized into Drainage density indicates the drainage several types like, (i) hills or flat efficiency of the basin. A higher value of watershed drainage well- gradient, (ii) humid or arid watershed developed network and high run-off depending upon overall climate of the causing intense flood, while a long value area, (iii) red soil or black soil watershed (less than 4km/ 1sq. km.) indicates based on general soil character and type relatively moderate to low run-off and of the area etc. density indicates a watershed, management based the point on time of of view, topographical higher permeability of the terrain and less chances of inundation due to flood. 3. Watersheds based on shape :- Editor- Sujit Choudhury, Published by IRBMS (© Integrated River Basin Management Society) Watershed are broadly categorised in two groups, either fan shaped (nearly 8 Integrated River Basin Management Society