Gaming Galaxy Volume 1 | Page 8


Dear Stefan,

I have been reading many issues of your magazine and I’ve been wondering, what gave you the idea for this magazine?


Steve E. Toronto ON

Dear Steve

I made this magazine because of the fact that I loved video games ever since I played my first game. I was also inspired to create this magazine after other gaming magazines because I liked them a lot for how interesting they are. Making this magazine interesting is in fact my goal for this magazine.

Dear Stefan

What makes this magazine different from other gaming magazines?


Shortsen Tence, Japan

Dear Shortsen

A couple of differences include the fact that this magazine has poems and comics and that it has recipes. Since they are not normally seen in most gaming magazines. I would say that it would spark a positive impact to some parts of the audience but most of my fellow producers disagree.

Hi Stefan

I need help with something. My mom gave me some allowance to buy a new game but the problem is I don't know which game I should get? She also says it has to be an E-rated game. What would you suggest I get?


Ina Hurry, Washington DC

Hi Ina

I would suggest Kirby's Return to Dreamland or any of the Kirby games for fans of E-rated platformers. They're really fun but the only problem is that
