Games in Education March 2014 | Page 6

Leveraging Games

Topic 2

21 Century Skills

Problem Solving

Scientific thought is used to solve problems - Jim Gee


access prior knowledge

practice new skills

mastery of skills


21st Century skill aquisition is critical to compete in the workforce. These skills include:

- Critical thinking and creativity to solve complex problems

- Collaborative skills

- Communication skills

Critical thinking and Problem Solving

James Gee says that games present students with a sequence of problems that in a series that increase in complexity as they progress.

Players are challenged to solve these problems by integrating skills and knowledge previously gained and practicing new skills.

This cycle of practice and mastery as players progress encourage a "flow" state where solving the problem at hand is totally immersive.

Critical thinking and problem solving skills are encouraged by incrementally increasing the complexity of challenges.

Critical Thinking Skills are critical for 21st Century workforce

Individuals use prior knowledge and skills to solve complex problems
