Gamers Unite July 2016 | Page 2



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Welcome to our brand new magazine Gamers Unite. This month’s issue is the very first and is a little on the small side, but we hope you enjoy it and help us make next month's issue bigger and better.

This magazine is made by gamers for gamers, we go out looking for Youtubers to showcase their videos in our magazine. We only use small unique channels for our content. This does not mean the quality of the videos is any lower that the big names on YouTube. We are helping Youtubers get discovered, helping you find new content to enjoy watching.

Now we want your help, we want the magazine to get better every month, but to do that we need your help. Through-out the magazine there are forms that can be filled in, we want your help finding content that’s hidden in the millions of people on YouTube whether it be yours of someone you know or have found.

On the final page is a feedback form, we would love to hear your thoughts on the magazine, good or bad. We would also love to hear your ideas on what you would like to see in the magazine to help improve it for your enjoyment