Game On! magazine Issue #1 | Page 6

What i s an PS4? Announced as the successor t o the Pla y- St a ti on 3 duri ng a press conference on February 20, 201 3, i t was launched on No- vember 1 5 i n North Ameri ca, November 29 i n Europe, South Ameri ca and Australi a, and February 22, 201 4, i n Japan. I t competes wi th Ni ntendo' s Wi i U and Mi - crosoft' s Xbox One, as part of the ei ghth genera ti on of vi deo game consoles. La ter on i n i t’ s li fecycle, Sony deci ded t o release two more versi ons of the PS4 called the “PS4 Sli m” and the “PS4 Pro” whi ch allowed for upscaled 4K Gami ng. They also developed a VR headset for the system called “Pla yst a ti on VR” Progress to completi on: 50%