Game On Magazine 2017 May 2017 | Seite 2

The Ice Lab is an educational environment, focusing on the breakdown of goaltending movements, as well as making learning fun for everyone. NOW ACCEPTING NEW ENROLLMENTS FOR 2017 SUMMER CAMPS! WHY ICE LAB? • Provides a productive learning environment at the most advanced training facility in MB. • Experienced instructor providing a fun, and professional environment for all skill levels. OUR PHILOSOPHY RISING STARS ELITE JULY 24 TH –28 TH JULY 31 ST –AUGUST 4 TH AGES 8–12 AGES 13–17 $ 810 + GST · Full 5 day program includes 2 on ice sessions, 1 classroom session and 1 gym session per day. · Goalie jersey and lunch included each day REGISTER ONLINE AT /ICELABCAMPS CALL: EMAIL: 204-926-5869 [email protected] • Movement mechanics to become as efficient, and effective, as possible. • Viewing each goalie as an individual, moulding them in to the best version of themselves. • Incorporating personalised lesson plans, enhancing the transition to everyday practice.