Game Insider - God of War Cover Story GAMEINSIDER - God of War Cover Issue | Page 18

H. P. Lovecraft's famously twisted universe will be coming alive on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC later this year, in the official video game adaptation of Chaosium's pen & paper RPG Call of Cthulhu. The Cthulhu Mythos has grown to become one of the largest shared universes ever envisioned, giving birth to countless stories, novels, and even movies ever since the original publication of Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulhu. Developed by seasoned studio Cyanide and built from the ground up on Unreal Engine 4, Call of Cthulhu showcases a dark, oppressive ambiance of the game's semi-open environments, as a backdrop to the RPG- Investigative nature of the experience. On a mission to find the truth behind the death of an acclaimed artist and her family on a backwater island, players are plunged into the troubled mind of private investigator Edward Pierce, as his perception of reality becomes more and more skewed the closer he gets to the Great Dreamer’s sphere of influence. Call of Cthulhu intends on making you clutch to your withering sanity to discover the conspiracies, the cultists and otherworldly terrors that inhabit this twisted universe. As Edward Pierce traverses down this intriguing path of the unknown, his original assignment spirals out of control against a backdrop of suspicious locals, mutilated whales, and disappearing bodies. Pierce’s mind will suffer as developer Cyanide tightropes a razor-thin line balancing act of sanity and madness, with your senses pulled and disrupted until you question the reality of everything around you. Darkwater Island is a dreary place and adding to it foreboding mystiq sits Hawkin Manor, a complimentary massive grey house with loads of secrets which can't wait to be discovered. As the tell is told fire has tore through the Hawking Manor tragically killing all of its inhabitants, Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins and their son. With the police unable to make sense of the ordeal due to inconsistencies and errors, the case is closed, until work hungry private investigator Edward Pierce comes along, who has been commisioned by Mrs. Hawkins father. The reality of Call of Cthulhu is a rather bizarre place as inhabitants of Darkwater Island are unwelcoming to outsiders, which also adds to the apealling discoveries sometimes happening right under the players nose. While investigating the tragic events of the Hawkins family, players explore, investigate, and talk to people to gather clues and find out what really happened with the fire, uncovering Darkwater’s secrets at the same time. Interestingly, there are very few weapons in and around the island, so players must lean on their instincts while remaining ever aware, keeping their eyes peeled to discover as much as they can about their surroundings. The demo for the game already looks and plays quite well, in truth I did not want to put the controller down. With just a sample of a hands-on and understanding the direction of the narrative with seemingly mountains of more to learn and discover, Call of Cthulhu has certainly shot up our list of most anticated games of 2017.