Game Guide 2.0 Advanced English 3 2017.2 design | Page 22

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Just what I needed, stuff to kick more butt! Extra Ammo Can you look at this? You can duplicate the effects of a Power Card you already have. This card only works on cards earned Normal and Special Power Cards, it does not work on Ultra Power Cards. With this card, you may ask for the deletion of a MiniBoss Battle or Mission grade that affects your grade negatively. If the Mission gives you several grades it will only affect one of these grades. This cannot be used in big Boss Battles or Certification Exams. If you delete a Master Quest, your other Master Quest will account for it. PowerBlock these The Old Switcheroo Not clear what you will get. A power-up saved for later is a power-up that saves lives! This card gives you two coins. You can trade a unused Normal Power Card or a Special Power card for one of and vice versa. " Wanna trade places? Let's Freaky Friday these grades!" You may trade your score of two different items for one another. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______