Game Guide 2.0 Advanced English 3 2017.2 design | Page 12

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • There will be at least 3 Mini Bosses per partial. The Mini Bosses may be on vocabulary, grammar, content of texts read for class. theory, or the They will be mostly done on Wednesdays. Heroes have 5 lives to fight the MiniBosses, they will keep the score obtained in the last life. Lives are only valid during the Battle Time Limit. Heroes have open access to their tools (notes, texts, etc.) during the Mini Boss Battles. There is an optional Mini Boss battle at the end of the partial for people who missed one. Getting 100 in the first life against a MiniBoss while fighting without PowerCards gives you 10 extra points you can move to another MiniBoss battle, Master Quest or Mission. The first 5 per group who can get 100 in the first life against a MiniBoss while fighting without PowerCards give +5XP to their whole Hero Group. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________