Game Changers: The Conscious Culture Volume 2 Issue 8 | Page 7
Why Buy Life Insurance NOW?
Written by Kye Wilson
When you think about buying
life insurance, what are some of
the common reasons that either
you have said or heard others say
why it is okay to wait and buy it
I don’t have the time
right now?
I cannot afford it at this time?
I don’t want to take a physical
exam or answer any medical
I want to lose weight, get in
shape, and stop smoking.........
Yes there are many
reasons that seem like they make
sense to put off this dreaded task
until later, but there are many
better reasons to do it now.
be issued with ‘conditions’ or
the worst case scenario is that
an application is completely
declined. This is the scenario that
you absolutely want to avoid.
Some declination factors cannot
be changed or improved in the
future to have your application
accepted at a date.
The one thing that is
guaranteed when it comes to
pricing life insurance at all com-
panies, the price increases with
your age. Looking at that factor
alone, you will never get a better
price then today. Unless you have
a way to reverse your age, every
year your age rate increases.
Now to 1the next
excuse and the most dreaded
one, medical exams. In reality,
if you shop around and look at
various policies with the same or
different companies, you will see
that there are vastly varying re-
quirements to purchase a policy.
Some policies require extensive
questioning and medical exams
down to policies that literally re-
quire only a few basic questions
and your signature and payment.
You are able to choose a policy
that fits your comfortability level.
With our company, if you do
choose a policy that requires a
physical exam, it can be done in
privacy of your home or place
of your choice at a time that
fits your needs. All exams are
conducted by a licensed nurse
and you once completed you will
receive a full comprehensive
report of all of your exam and lab
results for free. The exam alone
is worth a few hundred dollars
and we do it for free.
The final reason that
people tend to wait is so they can
‘just get @@@ in order before
I apply for insurance.’ Waiting
is not always necessary. Buying
insurance today while you are
a little overweight, or currently
trying to quit smoking is not a
permanent scar on your record.
For many minor and some major
Let’s talk about those reasons.
The first reason and
the most important one in my
opinion is that being offered the
chance to purchase a life insur-
ance policy IS NOT GUAR-
ANTEED. Companies are quite
selective on what
qualifications must
be met before they
will agree to offer
you a policy under-
written with their
company. People
are often surprised
when I explain that
we have to apply to
see if your current
health condition or
financial status will
be acceptable to buy
a policy. Typically
your health status
tends to decline as
you grow older in
Your child is driven to be the best on
age. This means
the field. But they need you to be the
that the eligibility
driver off the field. At American Family
window becomes
Insurance, we believe your dreams are the
smaller and may
most valuable things you will ever own.
limit your policy
And we’ll help you find just the right
options and the
insurance to protect them.
cost to purchase the
policy increases.
A policy can also
health concerns, you can buy a
policy immediately for a higher
price and then after you have
achieved your goal you can
apply for a rate reconsideration.
This means that you can provide
medical proof from your doctor
and/or complete an application
amendment to have your rate
changed to reflect your current
health status. Doing it this way
instead of the reverse mean that
you will have coverage the entire
time. Regardless if you ever
obtain your goal. Because as
stated earlier, we know your rate
is going to increase with you age
for sure.
I hope this brief article gave
you a little more insight on how
life insurance works and why it
is almost always better to buy
now rather than wait until later.
The truth is, when it comes
down to an unfortunate and
financially devastating loss of
a loved one, spouse, parent or
child, the surviving family never
cares how much you weighed or
exactly what date you purchased
that now treasured and lifestyle
saving life insurance policy.
Let’s talk today.
Kye Wilson Agency
1123 McDonough Place
McDonough, GA 30253
(770) 284-2311
[email protected]
American Family Insurance, Mutual, Standard of OH and WI Companies,
6000 American Parkway, Madison, WI 53783 and The General® | © 2016 012413– 7/16
Game Changers Magazine Sep/Oct 2017 - 6