Game Changers: The Conscious Culture Volume 1 Issue 6 | Page 21
time Staff Attorney. Aman-
da Everette joined our firm
as a Paralegal and Nierra
Smith is our Legal Assis-
tant. We have a family en-
vironment and truly work
as a team to service our
clients. I would also like to
note, our office is a general
practice firm. My primar-
ily focus is on family law,
business law and personal
injury. Charles Singleton
practices in the areas of
bankruptcy, probate and
family law. Marlon Bram-
mer provides support in
various practice areas.
Downing, age 29. Antho-
ny Downing, age 27 and
Kameelah: Every business
Shayna Downing, age 17. I
owner has a breaking
am also the glam-Mother of
point where they feel like
an awesome glam-daughter,
giving up, what is it that
Bailey Grace Glass, age 3. I
keeps you going?
am not married yet, but I
Andrea: When I feel like
am in a meaningful rela-
giving up, I remember the
tionship. I live a balanced
reason I do what I do and
life which starts with God,
the motto of the firm: Pas-
family and work.
sion – Purpose – Promise. I Kameelah: How do you
love the law and aggressive- balance being a business
ly advocate for my clients.
owner and creating time
This is my passion. I was
for yourself?
born to be an attorney and
Andrea: I believe that every
to be an agent of change.
business owner should set
This is my purpose. I made his or her own personal
a covenant with God that
mission statement, some-
failure is not an option and thing that serves as a con-
to step out on faith. God
stant reminder about your
has honored my walk of
purpose for becoming
faith. This is my promise.
a business owner. My
When I feel like giving up,
personal mission state-
I stand on my passion, pur- ment is to pursue my
pose and promise.
passion, purpose and
promise while living a
Kameelah: Andrea, it’s
balanced life, being a
already been established
leader in my commu-
that you are a pretty busy
nity, and using my gifts
lady. Do you enjoy a family to make a significant
life, and if so, tell us about difference. In order to
achieve my mission of
Andrea: I have three beau-
living a balanced life, I
tiful children. Shanthony
plan for “me” time. Just
as I schedule client meet-
ings, I also schedule dates
with family and friends,
movie night with the family,
girls’ day at the spa, etc. I
also enjoy working out at
the gym or walking to de-
stress after work.
Kameelah: What are some
issues you feel plague our
community? Where do
you feel changes need to be
Andrea: Our community
needs more business own-
ers to provide internships
and apprenticeships for our
youth. While we want to
encourage all children to at-
tend college, there are some
youth that will not. If we,
as business owners, expose
our high school-age youth
to various career paths, pro-
vide professional guidance
and mentorship, I believe
the result will be a positive
impact on the community
at large.
Please note the following
contact information if you
would like to learn more
about Andrea Boyd and her
law firm.
Facebook: www.facebook.
com/ thepriceboydlawfirm
IG: @Lawlady2013