Game Changers: The Conscious Culture Volume 1 Issue 5 | Page 4

Negating Negativity by Dr. Ed Womack Does it feel like everywhere you turn there is some chaos or ca- lamity going on? Are you living on the edge of sanity constant- ly? Is the noise of the Crabs starting to really annoy you? Well my Friends and family, if you answered yes to any of the above, it may be time for you to write a letter to these undesir- able people, places and things and get like the Jeffersons and Move on Up!!! For some of us, it might literally require am mental adjustment to a place that helps you to embrace the following: I will NO longer be LIVING on the corner of DEPRESSION and DOUBT.... The rent is too HIGH, the space is too SMALL and there is no ROOM for my DREAMS & VISION to grow.... PLUS, I need to get away from the FOLKS next door - HATER and NEGATIVITY.... My NEW place is located on DESTINY and BELIEF.... If you NEED me, that's where I'll be... The place is BIG and the CEILING is so HIGH that I can touch the STARS.... And I've got some NEW neighbors - SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT.... All MAIL sent to the old address will be RETURNED to SEND- ER.... Sincerely, THE NEW MANAGEMENT You have to activate and ele- vate the positive. You have to 3 - Game Changers Magazine Mar/Apr 2017 transform yourself and begin making decisions about who you will allow in your circle of influence or not. This is especially significant for your inner circle. People are in your life for a season and a rea- son and some of them are there for treason. If you're moving toward positivity, it's going to hurt, but you have to let some people, places and things go in order to achieve your ascent out of the R.U.T. (Repetitive Unproductive Thinking) Some people want to remain around no matter what you do. They want to see if you are going to make it and will ride the coattail if you do. If you fail, they want to point it out and say I told you so. That's why it's so important to make a conscious decision as to who you actively allow in your circle, especially a close circle. You see YOUR journey is not intended for everybody you encounter and make acquain- tance with. They can't see what they can't see and they can't see what you see unless you show it to them. Many people surround them- selves with yes-men. People that don't keep them account- able and are not accountable to themselves. Sometimes on the rebound you have to get physical and bring it back so that you can get back from broken. It requires a positive attitude to begin to navigate and negate the negative. You see when you're the smartest person in the room Dr. Dennis Kimbrough says it's time to go into a new room. Why is that? I'm glad you asked, it's very simple... you can't grow, be sharpened and honed to success if you alone are the very best. If everyone looks up to you and you become the end-all, do-all, there will be no reason or motivation for you to get better or for you to grow. Einstein said if you do the same thing and expect a different result, that is insanity. Growth requires doing new things, looking at the things that you've done in the past reconsidering them to see how you can get better. you are trying to get to a specif- ic destination, the most import- ant thing is getting there. That may require making sure your baggage is correct. The next most important thing is getting there with what you need. Finally getting to your destination with what you want is critical. Consider your needs and your wants in moving forward and taking people and things with you. Sometimes it costs more to take more stuff and sometimes the cost is a price that you are unwilling or unable to pay. In life get rid of the extra weight that can prevent you from being the greatest for of YOU. To rebound, it is primary and To negate the negativity that comes in life, sometimes we have to leave some baggage behind. As you plan for a vacation, we have learned to weigh the baggage and determine wheth- er or not we have to pay a fee based on the weight of the bags. If you are a proactive person, you have to consider that before you get to the airport. You typ- ically will review the baggage allowance and make sure that you are within that qualifica- tion criteria. That means that you may have to remove some- thing, that means you may have to leave something behind. If of paramount importance to get rid of negativity. I like to look at it as a lawn full of beautiful grass that has weeds all in it, marring the beautiful emerald experience. You have to pull up the weeds that are not enhanc- ing your purpose. You should pull up the weeds that are mar- ring the landscape of beautiful green grass. That is what the negating the negativity is all about. When you negate something you cause it to no longer, have pow- er, purpose or place. Negativity should no longer have power, a purpose of place in your life.