Game Changers: The Conscious Culture Volume 1 Issue 5 | Page 21

will only be eligible if they have never gotten a felony conviction and if they are nonviolent. and expertise into the office to handle those specialized things. If you are a parent of a child who has been victim- Kameelah: Are the percent- ized, ages of special women’s would and children’s cases high in you Henry County? only Pattillo discusses the want percentages of special some- women's and children's one cases. "It is a problem ev- who erywhere, so of course that has includes this county. These han- cases are unique and tech- dled nical in a lot of ways. It is bur- my belief that every coun- glaries ty that has a substantial or car thefts? Or would you growing population such as want someone who can ours needs a unit like that. come in and say, "This is Most metropolitan District all I do." Attorneys’ offices have "Darius Pattillo is the something similar. Fulton District Attorney for ev- and DeKalb have one, erybody", he says. What so why shouldn't Henry people want in the criminal County have one as well? justice system is fairness. We want to protect the most I'm committed to making vulnerable people in our sure that people feel that community and that's why they were treated fair. I thought this program was I want everyone to un- so important. It’s filling a derstand that when I am need that we have. I feel it’s making a decision it will be very proactive. For exam- on the case’s merits, facts ple, if this office gets a seri- and evidence. As it relates ous rape case or aggravated to Henry County, in partic- child molestation case, it ular, I think people need to is less than ideal to have understand that if we want that case prosecuted by a fair system, we have to someone who has a nomi- participate in nal amount of prosecution the system. experience. Yes, it can be That means done and has been done, as the pros- but why would we have ecution, de- that situation? So, if I can fense, bench bring a person in that has or juror. We ten years of experience han- must all work dling serious child abuse together. We cases, I think that would must go out be more ideal. I believe the and vote and D.A. should have the type we cannot sit of vision to bring programs on the side- lines and complain. Many times, specifically in the African American commu- nity, we have to recognize the people who are com- mitting crimes are do- ing it in their own com- muni- ties. What that comes down to is defendants against vic- tims. That means African American defendants are committing crimes against African American victims. People tend to victimize people who look like them. When I’m asked how can I possibly put people of color behind bars that look like us, I respond by saying, I'm protecting people who look like us. You can never lose sight of that because it matters to me that Grandma can go to the corner store without worrying about being carjacked or that you can be safe in your home and not have to worry about someone coming into your home or stealing your car or selling your kids drugs. I believe that it’s not incon- sistent to be a fair prosecu- tor and at the same time be a tough prosecutor. We are in the schools and will be going into more schools in Henry County and it mat- ters, because young people don't really know what the DA does specifically. This gives us an opportunity to explain to the youth what we do, what role we play, and how we intend to make a difference in their neigh- borhoods. It also lets them know that this could be a career path for them. They can be a lawyer or prosecu- tor or investigator. It opens their world up to a whole profession that they may not know much about, as opposed to what they only see on television. Young people also need to know that the DA's office is not against them. When we have this conversation with the youth they get it. They can now put a name to the face and will realize they are also able to achieve this despite the odds. We basi- Continued, page 22