Game Changers: The Conscious Culture Volume 1 Issue 5 | Page 19

WINNING THE MONEY GAME! Written by Cornell McBride Jr. Fact- You have the power to change your life forever by applying simple financial principles in your daily ac- tivities. Just as good eating habits keep you healthy, making sound decisions in regards to money will keep you financially healthy. But nobody else can make it happen, it is purely up to you. There is a common misun- derstanding that average people like you and I can’t become millionaires. That couldn’t be further from the truth. The fact is you have the power to accumulate wealth beyond your dreams. Many people who never earned a six-fig- ure income become finan- cially independent. I know several and I have been able to witness their growth and their struggles with my own eyes. The question we all want to know obviously is how did they do it? Doesn’t it require a college degree, or a high-level position with a company and a big salary? Or a large inheritance? Or winning the lottery? It may be hard to believe but the answer is no. No matter what your income level, you can achi