Game Changers: The Conscious Culture Volume 1 Issue 5 | Page 17

Is Voter Suppression bringing Socieoeconomic segregation to Stockbridge's Destruction? by Thomas White These are the results of a proposal in the Georgia General Assembly by Sena- tor Rick Jeffares (D – Mc- Donough) to create a new city of Eagle’s Landing. You might think I am exag- gerating, but that is likely because you have only been told one side of the story. Eagle’s Landing Educa- tional Research Committee (ELERC) is leading the charge to create the new city of Eagle’s Landing. Unfortunately, they are misleading the public by presenting slanted facts that do all but tell the full story, and they are doing so without any data to back up their assertions. The new city would include almost the entire southern half of Stockbridge which currently has the highest median income of any city in Henry County. Initial re- ports show that Stockbridge would suffer a 50-60% revenue loss, immediately cutting capital and infra- structure funding. Eagle’s Landing’s new median income would be over 100k. The housing market there would initial- ly rise, but it would not be immune to the effects of the catastrophic hit taken by Stockbridge. When a viable city sudden- ly starts to struggle, the re- sults are almost always the same. If the Eagle’s Land- ing secedes from Stock- bridge, the property values in and around Stockbridge will crash. The housing market will be de-valued. In a few years, that problem will surround Eagle’s Land- ing. Henry County could very well face a subprime real estate crisis. How can you stop this? Do you get the right to vote on the new city? If you live inside the area of the new city, then yes, you do get a vote. If you live in North Stockbridge, then you do not get a vote. Even though it will affect all of Stock- bridge, Jeffares’s proposal will only be voted on by residents in the limits of the new city. North Stockbridge and the residents around it will only watch their prop- erty values fall. The disgust I feel for voter suppression on such a wide scale is only surpassed by the disgust I feel for the reasons behind the new city. Per ELERC, they will be attempting to create a city based on a median income of $100k a year. In other words, if you do not make $81k a year, you are not good enough to be in the new city. As chair of the Henry County Democratic Com- mittee, I am firmly opposed to the actions of ELERC and Senator Jeffares. I am disappointed and appalled that an elected official would move forward with a proposal that has such total disregard for his citizens. Modern society cannot function when divide rules it. Nonetheless, they try to divide us. This time, the attempt centers around money. Both ELERC and Senator Jeffares seem to believe that the citizens of North Stock- bridge do not matter. We will show them otherwise. Game Changers Magazine Mar/Apr 2017 - 16