Game Changers: The Conscious Culture Volume 1 Issue 5 | Page 15

Jaderrah Cromer is 17 years old and attends West- lake High School as a graduat- ing senior. Jaderrah is currently a 3 timed pageant queen with her most recent pageant spotlight in November 2016 at the Miss Georgia Teen USA pageant where she placed in the top 15 and won most photogenic. She is also CEO of her very own cosmetics line called JadeAkiss .JadeAkiss was created to eliminate negative verbiage in teen girls. Jaderrah has her very own fashion studio at home and creates fashions for her friends from time to time. She is the first person in her fami- ly to enter the world of pag- eantry. Jaderrah has taking huge pride in launching her platform which she calls Jade’s Poise (promoting opportunity, intelligence, support and elegance). Her goal behind Jade’s poise is to empower, motivate, and educate teen girls on their self-worth, education and community involvement. Jaderrah was inspired to launch this platform by her mother. Jaderrah believes that without her mother providing her with opportu- nity, intelligence, support, and elegance, she wouldn’t be where she is today. Her goal is to make sure every teen girl has those things to keep them encourage and empowered. As a motiva- tional speaker, Jaderrah has had both television appear- ances on Atlanta Live and radio interviews on Let's Talk America with host Shana Thornton. She was also featured in the virtu- ous, victorious, and valued magazine in September 2016 Jaderrah enjoys spend- ing her free time sewing, cheerleading, taking care of animals, reading, and help- ing others. She’s actively pursuing a modeling and acting career. Jaderrah is currently co-writing a book with her mother inspiring woman to turn their poison into poise. She hopes to launch her book with her mother in September 2017. Jaderrah is a dedicated volunteer for organizations of all kind. She volunteers with Agape, Hands on At- lanta, The humane society, and decorated caps for children with cancer. She recently volunteered at toys for tots, books for Africa and hosted a shoe drive and collected a goal of 300 shoes for Africa through the organization Souls for Soles in the month of March. She’s donated and passed out blankets and lunch to the homeless, and volunteered at the State’s capitol as a Page, where she act as a liaison between the house of representatives passing messages and pa- perwork. She has applied to be the newest youth ambas- sador for world HIV/ Aids day the newest member of the 21st century leader’s or- ganization and the NAACP. She is also a member of her high school JROTC pro- gram, where she holds the rank of Sergeant First Class and is the platoon Sergeant in charge of twenty four cadets. Jaderrah’s favorite quote is Adversity causes some to break, and others to break records. Game Changers Magazine Mar/Apr 2017 - 14