Game Changers: The Conscious Culture Game Changers 2019 New Beginnings Edition | страница 21

Bein g a Doct or t h at f ocu ses on OBGYN Wh at ar e som e t ips w om en can m ak e t o h elp t h e ch ild bear in g pr ocess sm oot h er ? w h at ar e som e of t h e m ist ak es you see you n g w om en m ak e w h ile pr egn an t or goin g t h r ou gh ch ild bir t h ? We live in the Google age and one of the biggest mistakes I see women make is they Google too much! LOL! Its lots of information on line that can confuse you and you can?t trust all the sources. A lot of people will rather go to Google instead of finding a professional. Some women just don?t have a good knowledge of their body of whats normal, whats not normal, how their body is suppose to react during Get care as soon as you know your pregnant! Most times women come in when they are 4 or 5 months pregnant, there is majoring testing we?ve missed through that time period, with those test being missed, it?s hard to addressed problems that could?ve been caught early on. If your having sex and your intentions are not to get pregnant the best step is to use protection. Protection lows the risk of unwanted pregnancy and STDs. However if your having unprotected sex, the risk is greater and it is best to start taking vitamins and nutritions as proper care practice. pregnancy and come into the pregnancy not As an advocat e f or w om en?s h ealt h , w e see you w or k closely w it h you n g w om en , into it, so they come in with conditions already in the w h at spar k ed you r passion t o go back an d pou r in t o t h ose look in g t o w alk in you r state of being pregnant that can be detrimental to f oot st eps? their health and to the health of the baby! knowing prior conditions of what they had coming My passion comes from helping women be educated, as women it is important to know what?s going on with our body. We live in the Atlanta metro area where we have some of the highest HIV and STD rates across the country, which tells me a lot of reckless conduct is happening therefore my passion is to see that women live long healthy lives. We also face a high epidemic of herpes and herpes you can?t get rid of, it?s with you for the rest of your life. I see young ladies 18 and 19 years old, and it hurts when they find out they have to live with this for the rest of their life and I feel like some one needs to, I need to keep our sisters educated so they understand how to take care of their body in order to prevent unfortunate situations. Wh at does you r pr act ice of f er t o t h e com m u n it y? My practice is somewhat unique because I?m a solo practitioner. There aren?t many of us left that do OBGYN by ourselves which mean that I?m pretty much the only doctor that the patients see and I preform about 90%of my own deliveries. My life is a little heck at times but I enjoy that personal touch and that one on one treatment that I can give patients. We service ladies from 18 years of age all the way up to menopause years, life doesn?t stop when you turn 50, we offer a variety of services 21