Game Changers: The Conscious Culture Game Changers 2019 New Beginnings Edition | Page 14
out of bed, and our appetite significantly increases
or decreases. It may be difficult for us to
concentrate or to feel motivated when we are at
work or at school. In addition to sadness, we may
feel irritable and be short-tempered with our loved
ones, or even more emotional and tearful. This is
more than just the ordinary blues, this is depression.
What is depression? The word depression comes
from the Latin word deprimere which means ?press
down.? Therefore, depression is a state which
presses down our mental health. Depressed
thoughts are negative, repetitive, and filled with fear
and anxiety; and it becomes difficult to maintain an
objective perception about ourselves and our
experiences. Additionally, our depressed feelings
are overwhelming and we struggle to find happiness
with ourselves and in our interactions with others.
Depression is a common and serious mood disorder
characterized by persistent sadness, emotional, and
sometimes physical problems that impact our ability
to think clearly and interfere with daily activities.
Here are some of the common symptoms associated
with depression as reported in Psychology Today.
Persistent sad, anxious, or empty mood
Let 's Talk Abou t It :
Depr ession
w it h Dr . Ken ia Joh n son -Lew is
Let?s recall from the Let?s Talk about Mental Health
article, that mental health is the condition of how we
think and feel. In life, we each experience our own
variety of challenges that can put our mental health
in jeopardy. Challenges to our mental health can
significantly impact our functioning at home or work,
school, our self-image, and our relationships with
others. According to the National Alliance on Mental
Illness (NAMI) 1 in 5 adults in America experience
mental illness in a given year.
We have all experienced feeling blue or sad after the
loss of a family pet or loved one. Some of us have
felt lonely, homesick, and even discouraged during
tough times. For the most part, during life?s difficult
moments, we are still able to function in many areas
of our lives. However, for many us, feelings of
sadness can linger and we begin to experience other
changes to our day to day routine. We may have
Feelin gs of h opelessn ess or pessim ism
Feelin gs of gu ilt , w or t h lessn ess, or
h elplessn ess
Loss of in t er est or pleasu r e in h obbies
an d act ivit ies t h at w er e on ce en joyed,
in clu din g sex
Decr eased en er gy, f at igu e, bein g
"slow ed dow n"
Dif f icu lt y con cen t r at in g, r em em ber in g,
or m ak in g decision s
In som n ia, ear ly m or n in g aw ak en in g or
over sleepin g
Appet it e ch an ges an d/ or w eigh t loss,
an d/ or w eigh t gain
Th ou gh t s of deat h or su icide, su icide
at t em pt s
Restlessness, irritability, Persistent physical
symptoms that do not respond to treatment, such as
headaches, digestive disorders and chronic pain