Game Changers: The Conscious Culture 2019 Community Edition 45 Years of Community Servi | Página 16
so w h at t ype of k n ives do you m ak e or do m ost
people ask you t o m ak e f or t h em ?
i?ve made hunting knives like Skinners and got hooks,
so, Stabilization is a process by which liquid resin is
fishing knives like fillet, chef knives, machetes, Kukri
vacuum pressured into the wood, essentially
mostly anything and everything. I don?t do swords.
impregnating it. Once it?s super saturated, it?s then
The majority asked for Skinners or every day carry
placed into a heat treatment process where the liquid blades, which are essentially varieties of Skinners
resin is micro-crystallized inside the wood, making it with varying lengths of the blade.
impervious and impenetrable to any outside
if som eon e h ad a con cept of w h at t h ey w an t ed
element. It basically makes balsa wood into a solid
f or t h eir h u sban d, boyf r ien d/ gir lf r ien d, M om ,
br ot h er , Un cle, Dad, h ow w ou ld t h ey get a cu st om
I get it , you m ak e t h e w ood even st r on ger . blade don e?
ok , explain st abilize an d t h en I w an t t o
m ove on t o t h e k n ives.
So t ell abou t t h e k n ives an d all of t h e
dif f er en t st yles.
reach out to me, go to my website and build a blade.
But over the years I?ve learned most people have an
initial concept in their mind of what they want so it?s
I can do any style, any blade, any knife. If you can
better to discuss exactly the specification of what
dream it, I can create it with my hands. I?ve done all
they want, the type of steel, the length of the blade,
Kitchen knives such as custom Chef knives, Butcher
the type of handle material, etc. Just hit me up and
knives, Cleavers, Paring knives, etc. So, I enjoy the
most the rugged stuff, the outdoorsy stuff. Stuff like will package that perfect blade for you or your loved
Skinners, Gut-hooks, Bowie knives, Camp knives, Fillet ones.
knives, Kukri?s, Machete whatever.
so w ait a secon d, I?m also h ear in g t h at you do
cu st om pen s? Is t h at r igh t ?
So, I w at ch ?For ged in Fir e? an d I k n ow
abou t Dam ascu s, can you t ell u s w h at
dist in gu ish es it f r om St ain less St eel?
Well I I love forged in fire and it had both a positive
and negative impact on the blade smithing
community. Positively it?s definitely brought a lot of
attention to the historic fundamentals of blade
smithing and the materials used like Damascus and
others. But on the negative side it?s made people
think that you can actually conceptualize craft and
finish a blade within an hour as well as facilitating the
concept that making knives are easy. And that
anyone can do it. I mean anyone can with lots of skill
and training and the right tools.
absolutely. The same wood that I use for knives I also
use on custom pens. I mostly do Highbridge of burl
and resin to create custom pens and knife handles. A
highbred is blending wood and high strength
Apoxsee together.
Can you sh ow m e som e exam ples of t h e r esin
block s k n if e h an dles or t h e pen blan k s.
So, we?ve Sat with Dr. Edge, founder and superhero
behind Dr. Edge,, custom knives and pens. This is all
mind blowing And unique stuff you got here. I really
haven?t seen anything like it out there
>> thanks brother. Yeah, I try to push the limits with
anything I do and put my mind in my hands to and
Essentially there is nothing that distinguishes
do things that haven?t been done before. My overall
Damascus from stainless steel. Damascus is steel but goal is to put the highest quality materials from all
a blend of several types of high carbon steel?s that
around the world and put a piece of the world from
begin mostly, as stainless steel?s. As the material is
my hands into their hands.
forged together it loses the stainless quality, losing
MAJ Leif A. Rivera, Ph.D., CEO
aspects like nickel, and other materials that make
Doktor Edge, LLC
stainless steel, stainless. My ?goto? Damascus Is a
tempered blend of 15N20 and 1080 steals. Those are ?Hold the Edge?
very solid steel?s to begin a blade with. From there
you can merge several different types of steel into
what?s known as ?canister Damascus?, chainsaw
Damascus, fishhook Damascus, or anything else you
wanna throw together, melt down, bang into a