editor's note
April showers are here and things are heating This month also sees our huge tech feature on
up before the massive rush that will be E3 this the new TIPRON projector robot from
June. And while some of the major game Cerevo. This little bugger is jam-packed with
development studios are playing there big all sorts of features that makes those floor
news and releases close to the chest, there cleaning robots look like a child's play thing.
are a few major releases that we reviewed And finally I just want to thank all our
this month. The biggest --and our cover readers, both here and those that check out
feature-- comes the highly-anticipated the site. We could not keep growing without
Yooka-Laylee. Coming from many of the team your help and support!
that worked on the Banjo-Kazooie series,
Yooka-Laylee is about as close to a third
entry into the classic RARE series as you can
get, without getting a nice letter from
Microsoft lawyers.
J. luis