We are probably breaking our own rules with
Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus, but as it still plays like
a traditional platformer and isn't overtly
educational we are including it. We don't play by
anyone's rules, including our own! Now, you might
be thinking we typo the title wrong but that's
where the game hints at it's educational roots.
Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus is all about reminding
kids to use their inhaler and teaching them all
about asthma. But unlike most educational games
there is an actual game at it's core, even if that
game isn't all that great.
Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus is from the same
people that created the much more well-known
and covered Captain Novolin and seems to use the
exact same engine. WaveQuest seemed to have
cornered the market on these educational games
disguised as actual games, so there must have
been a market for them someplace. We are
guessing through doctor's offices around the
country, although nobody here can ever recall
seeing it sold or offered to them.
As you can expect the game isn't all that great for a
side-scroller, something that the Super Nintendo
had in abundance, but at least the educational bits
weren't a detriment to the overall experience. You
spend the game trying to clear the air so, you
know, you don't get asthma and the main
characters can develop shortness of breath from
all the stuff that an asthmatic would. Still, it's a bit
weird for a Dinosaur to get sick from cigarette
smoke, unless that's what actually killed them off.