Genre: Action, Adventure Developer: Playtonic Games Publisher: Team17 Release Date: Apr 11, 2017
Yooka-Laylee does add and refine a
lot of what made those games
great, but as with nearly every 3D
N64 platformer, the camera is not
going to be your friend or let you
enjoy the game as much as you’d
like. You’d think after multiple
console generations they would
have fixed this, and it’s one of the
reasons why relying too hard on
nostalgia can sometimes be a
"Yooka-Laylee is a silly and colorful
adventure that is probably exactly what
Kickstarter backers wanted"
Yooka-Laylee is everything that
backers of the Kickstarter could
have wanted, but with its reliance
on nostalgia comes some self-
imposed limitations that only show
how far we have come since the 3D
platformer days of the N64. head over-heels for Yooka-Laylee.
This is as close as possible to a
follow-up of that game series
(almost scarily close), but that is
also the very thing that holds it
back from being great.
After getting a few weeks with the
final review build of the game I can
safely say that if you loved Banjo-
Kazooie, then you are going to be Yooka-Laylee plays nearly identical
to the Banjo-Kazooie series, so
much so that I had to pop in my
copy of the game to see if there was
much of a difference. Yooka-Laylee
Yooka-Laylee is about as much
Banjo-Kazooie as legally possible.
This means fans already know what
you can expect here. You get some
large stages, all based on unique
themes, connected via a large hub-
world. This hub-world was the first
thing that drove me a little batty (I
once spent 40 minutes just looking