I said in my review of the game that, “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is the first game that finally justify this new generation of games” and I still stand by that. The game is so nice that I bought it twice; once for the Xbox One, and again for PC during a sale. I even went out and upgraded y personal PC just so I could play it again at max settings. The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt is a gorgeous game to behold from start to finish. I can’t tell you how many times I just stopped to enjoy the sunset as I wandered the lands on my grand adventure. Fallout 4 was a lot of fun but didn’t do anything new for the series and Metal Gear Solid V was really solid, but skewed so far from what the MGS series was; The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt on the other hand did everything right. We got a fantastic visual treat along with more of what we love, while still offering up enough new features and bigger story. While other games may fade from the gaming consciousness, The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt will be one of the titles synonymous with this current gaming generation. Also, free DLC from the developers is simply a thing of beauty in the day and age of micro-transactions for everything.
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt