GAMbIT Magazine Issue #16 November 2015 | Page 21

game. It’s not that the silly story and atrociously bad voice acting isn’t ‘so bad it’s good’ levels of fun, it’s that the game should really have been either about being a Coast Guard simulator –it fails at this– or a story focused adventure game. It’s a shame, because the engine that Coast Guard uses offers up just enough that a full fledged simulator would have worked well. The game looks great pulled back, and having a ton of different rescue missions and police work would have made for a really great time. Instead we are forced to play a sub-par adventure story that takes away from what makes the game a lot of fun.

With all that being said, I still couldn’t put the game down to find out how the very predictable story played out. Coast Guard is, for better or worse, still the best Coast Guard simulator on the market, and while you don’t do much, you know, Coast Guarding, it still offers up a weird amount of fun. The concept behind the game is fantastic, but the lack of care or knowledge of how a Coast Guard ship and crew work is astounding. Most people should skip this one, but if you are looking for a ‘so bad its good’ sort of game it will fill that itch. In the end Coast Guard just leaves me really wanting a Coast Guard simulator.

J. Luis