Shin Megami Tensei IV - $19.99
Nintendo isn't know for having all that many adult titles
on their consoles, and that is even more parent on their
handheld 3DS line, But there are a few games that break
through that deal with some very adult themes in some
pretty awesome ways. Shin Megami Tensei IV might not
be the latest, or the best, but if you are looking for a
serious JRPG that will give your hours upon hours of
gameplay for less than the cost of a fast food run, then
this one is for you.
Hello Kitty & Friends
Coloring Book - $15.99
This list has been pretty tech and video
game heavy so far, so what better way
to mix things up than with this Hello
Kitty Coloring Book from the folks over
at VIZ Media. But this isn't some cheap
Dollar Store affair, rather, you get some
incredibly detailed artwork to color all
from the world of Hello Kitty. And for
under $20 you have enough left to pick
up a good pack of colored pencils!
Lootcrate - $15.99
Okay, so this one might be a bit of a stretch
since it's a monthly subscription, but you
can cancel at any time, so we'll let it slide.
Lootcrate is the original nerd box that come
filled with all sorts of goodies each and
every month. It was once of the first and it's
still the best, hence it making this list. It's
also great for family that is hard to shop for,
or for grandparents that want to be cool.