Gallery Samples Stories of our Ancestors | Page 26

have been three years before she died. Walter does not appear in the wedding photo and a relative takes his place. Can this really be the musician, singer and fashion fundi? We are challenged into altering our frames of reference. I have no idea how old the couple were when the photo was taken but as Sarah Jane was only 51 when she died she never grew to Old Age as we know it. Perhaps she was already very ill when this photo was taken and perhaps it was a ‘memorial’ photo for her family? By holding up her prayer book or bible she is telling us she is a very ‘religious’ woman. Does she want God to see this? Or, perhaps she is expressing her approaching death and her distress over having to leave her young family? Ida and Jack were married in the Wesleyan church so we can presume that that was the religion of Ida’s family. Can one assume that any sort of lightness of being was frowned upon in the family she and George had created? Or was this the teaching of their church? Let’s describe Sarah Jane’s daughter Ida then, who married Jack Anderson in 1907 and became the Mother of Ruby, Gordon, Thalma, Lorentz, Douglas, Vera, Vincent, Milton and Stella Marie. Some of my cousins will remember Granny Ida in her old age but of course by then she hardly resembled the lovely and accomplished young girl she had been. I D A ’ S F A T H E R G E O R G E J O B W A TE R S A N D M O T HE R S A R A H J A N E W A TE R S (BORN LISHER) I don’t know if Ida was taught the fashion skills that her Mother, Sarah Jane, had practiced at least in her young life. Ida was relatively uneducated in the Three R’s although she must have had some schooling as I have a photo of the little school in Southwell which Ruby was told she attended. She was however skilled in all the domestic and farming duties that were considered an education in those days. She took her love of Rhode Island Red hens with her well into her old age and always kept a little ‘farm’ in her back-yard. (Stella’s children used to call her “Granny cuckoo-fowl”). As a young girl she was also a gifted musician playing the piano, the zither and harp. I know nothing about her siblings. As we’ve heard already, Ida and Jack were much IDA BEATRICE WATERS AS A YOUNG admired roller-skaters. Sadly, on her marriage all her GIRL musical instruments and talents and skates were left in the family home never to be touched again. From now on her path would be mapped and marked only by children and domesticity. 26