Gallery Samples Stories of our Ancestors | Page 76
was easier not to challenge the error but just to accept the new spelling, so Brownlee it became
forever more.
Almost nothing is known of Jock’s story, nor why he came to South Africa or if he came alone or
with family. He was the original Silent Scotsman, keeping his secrets locked within himself. The
only clue we have is in a torn-out fly leaf of an unknown book with the inscription: addressed
to ‘(this part is cut off)…………... Brownlee, Cape Colony, South Africa. Presented to him by his
Grandfather and sent out to South Africa on July 22 – 1903. To him with prayer that God would
bless the birth of this book to him From John Ritchie, 30 Canal Street, Port Dundas, Glasgow’. This
must have been Jock’s Mother’s Father hence Jock’s second name being Ritchie. Apparently this
was a common Scots practice. It also points to Jock’s parents having been living with the
Mother’s parents as it is the same address given at Jock’s birth. I am puzzled by the conflicted
spelling of the name here as it goes against the change from Brownlie as it seems he was
already Brownlee. Who knows!
So Jock would have been only twelve years old and already living in South Africa. Denis knew
that his Father had come from Scotland as a young boy but the story he told his family was that
he came alone and he had no family at all. How’s that for family secrets? After Jock’s death
there was some contact made between Jessie and Jock’s family but I know nothing about them.
The only small clue is a scrap of paper in Denis’ handwriting bearing the name MARY
BRAMWELL. Then underneath are the names; John, Robert, Jimmy, Jean and William. I am
almost certain that these people are associated with Jock’s Mother and maybe if anyone is
interested they could find out more. On looking up Brownlee on Google there are so very many
of them and even associated with the name Ritchie but not enough is known to be able to link
them. The clues I picked up suggest that Jock’s Mother Margaret Ritchie had a more educated
background than his Father. Ironically, this is exactly what happened with Jessie Stretch (Denis
Mother) and Jock.
The only other document I have is his Discharge from the Army on 30th December 1918. The
Discharge was formalised in Robert’s Heights, Pietermaritzburg. The Great War being over his
services were no longer required but his Military Conduct was described as ‘Very Good’. He
must have been twenty seven at the time. At some stage, probably then, he joined the Police
Force and when Denis was born his occupation was described
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