Gallery Samples Stories of our Ancestors | Page 24
Now for our first photo which is of Walter and two daughters, HARRIET and SARAH JANE.
Walter Lloyd Langford Lisher was the son of EDWARD LISHER (1801 – 1881) and MARY
LISHER (1802 - 1880). We know of no other family members or when they came to South
Africa. Judging by their ages they, too, could well have been part of the 1820 Settlers although
that is not clear. If anyone would like to take this further the history of this family is available
through joining genealogical sites on Google.
Maria and Walter had seven children. Harriet in the photo married and had a host of offspring
but we will focus only on Sarah as she is most relevant to the family. Sarah Jane’s date of birth
is wrapped in confusion: she is reputed to have been born in 1854 but according to the
archived records she was 20 at the time of her marriage in 1877, and 51 at her death on 3 rd
August 1910 which would not tie up with her supposed birthdate. All we can say is that she
was born between 1857 and 1859. No matter. As one can see Sarah Jane was a very pretty
young lady. We are told by Ruby that she was a musician and singer and also a very able
seamstress and hatter, keeping up with the latest fashions in ladies wear and accessories. She
played the harp very beautifully and although uneducated in the traditional sense, she was
considered a beautiful and accomplished lady from a very good family.
Then we hear of her marriage:
SARAH JANE LISHER to GEORGE JOB WATERS in 1877: George’s birthdate is recorded as 23rd
April 1846 which would have made him 31 at the time.