Gallant Volume 1 | Page 5

For too For long too now, long our now, country our country has unconditionally has unconditionally placed placed graffiti graffiti or street or street art as art an as act an act of heathenism, of heathenism, rebellion rebellion and disrespect. and disrespect. In states In states like West like West Bengal, Bengal, wall art wall was art was deemed deemed a criminal a criminal offense offense with the with ‘offenders’ the ‘offenders’ having having to pay to a pay hardy a hardy fine of fine Rs 1,000 of Rs 1,000 or or more. more. Artists Artists have had have to had require to require to the to covers the covers of the of night the night to unleash to unleash their art their to art the to globe the globe and leave and leave it anonymous, it anonymous, in worry in worry of retribution. of retribution. They’ve They’ve visited visited a similar a similar spot the spot next the next day only day to only check to check that the that wall the has wall been has whitewashed been whitewashed by the by local the figures, local figures, which which don’t don’t need their need name their name tarnished tarnished by the by ‘law’. the ‘law’. Social Social art is now art is seen now in seen plenty, in plenty, we’d prefer we’d prefer to target to target the ones the that ones carry that carry vital messag- vital messag- es relating es relating to the to stark the stark reality reality of ladies of ladies in India. in India. The various The various artists artists behind behind this genre this genre have a have specific a specific motive motive in mind in to mind teach to teach the masses, the masses, through through art, regarding art, regarding the infinite the infinite struggle struggle of being of being a lady a in lady this in country. this country. At the At same the same time, time, they also they attempt also attempt to form to form people people aware aware of the of dynamic the dynamic tides in tides society in society nowadays nowadays that it's that finally it's finally opening opening its mind its mind to the to empowerment the empowerment of ladies. of ladies. Here are Here a are few a programs few programs and artists and artists you should you should follow follow that are that attempting are attempting to change to change the face the of face society of society for women for women one brush one brush at a time. at a time. M.I.S.S.I.N.G... M.I.S.S.I.N.G... This This photographer-cum-installation photographer-cum-installation artist artist got everyone’s got everyone’s attention attention together together with with her her famed famed art-project art-project by ‘M.I.S.S.I.N.G…’ ‘M.I.S.S.I.N.G…’ that is that a public is a public art pro- art pro- ject that ject that addresses addresses the problem the problem of of sex-trafficking sex-trafficking in our in country. our country. Kejriwal, Kejriwal, who who has been has been working working in association in association with NGOs with NGOs fighting fighting sex trafficking sex trafficking and and kid prostitution kid prostitution for the for past the few past years, few years, realized realized that the that way the to way bring to bring this perti- this perti- nent issue nent issue to the to general the general public, public, was by was by creating creating mystery mystery in their in minds. their minds. #BreakingTheSilence #BreakingTheSilence By Jheel By Jheel Goradia Goradia Leena by Leena Kejriwal Kejriwal This 21-year-old multimedia designer This from 21-year-old Mumbai multimedia graduated designer from Raffles from design Mumbai graduated from Raffles International and has been turn- design ing International and has been turn- heads along with her project #Break- ing heads along with She her paints project iconic #Break- ingTheSilence. pictures ingTheSilence. She paints iconic on pictures of Bollywood characters the walls, of Bollywood characters on the walls, using some mostly sexist songs and using countering some mostly sexist songs these songs in a and thought countering these songs in a thought bubble or a caption round the character. bubble or a illustrates caption round character. She the the posters digitally, She illustrates the posters digitally, prints and cuts them separately and then prints wheat-pastes and cuts them (made separately and then flour, by mixture wheat-pastes (made by mixture sugar and water) them on flour, numerous sugar locations and water) them She on numerous in Mumbai. uses Bollywood locations in to Mumbai. She theme uses Bollywood icons create the a lot of attrac- icons tive to create the theme a lot of attrac- and relatable to the crowds. tive and relatabl e to the crowds. 5