GALAX Overclocking Carnival Hall Of Fame 10th Anniversary OC Lab Edition | Page 4
10th Anniversary GeForce RTX 2080Ti OC LAB Edition
hen one says ‘the
best graphics
card’, what does
that mean exactly? Is it the
best looking, perhaps the
best performing, the most
affordable? There are many
ways in which one could
attempt to answer such a
question. Some of these easier
to deal with than others.
Perhaps it is better to define
the context first, from which
one can hopefully attempt a
more measured answer to this
question. That context for this
particular graphics card, is in
overclocking. More specifically
in extreme or competitive
Afterall, this is the only context
with which we can test the
validity of any such declaration.
One which GALAX doesn’t make
for any of their their components,
not even this one, their finest
work thus far.
The - GALAX 10th Anniversary
Hall Of Fame GeForce RTX 2080
Ti OC LAB Edition. At the very
least, this HOF card is in the hall
of fame for the longest product
name in history.