Hello Gaiscíoch Family!
My name is Michael Perez (Balry.9450). I am an
anthropology graduate student at Florida Atlantic
University (FAU). When I first found the Gaiscíoch
family I immediately realized that this is the gaming
community I had been looking for all these years. I also
saw a unique opportunity to work with a very special
and valuable community for my M.A. thesis project.
I mentioned my project a couple months back, but I
do not expect any of you to remember it because, as
some of you may know, the academic process can be
rigorous and slow. This is why I am just finalizing the
last details with my faculty thesis committee and the
Institutional Review Board (IRB), who make sure all
procedures and aims of my research study are ethical
and academically grounded.
By this summer, I should be able to implement my
research with the cooperation of the Gaiscíoch members
and leaders. This is not a call for volunteers just yet; I
simply wanted to update everyone in the community
about my project.
Below is a brief summary of my goals as well as some
ethical concerns you may have:
This anthropology research study aims to determine the
elements that make the Gaiscíoch family a successful
community and to expand the understanding of the
border between the virtual and physical space. To
achieve this I plan on interviewing members of the
community as well as posting a survey, but do not worry
all information will be kept anonymous, confidential,
and secure.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to
contact me in-game Balry.9450, via email mperez89@
fau.edu or [email protected], or via phone
(954) 588-3296.
You may also take a look at my research profile located
on: http://www.fau.edu/anthro/ResearchProfiles.php
Thank you for reading. Happy hunting!