Gaiscioch Magazine Issue 1 | 页面 2

from the editor | with Bejamin Foley Welcome to Gaiscioch Magazine I am pleased to welcome you to the first edition of the Gaiscioch Magazine. We hope you like what you see. We are always open to hear feedback and suggestions. Benjamin Foley Founder & Managing Editor Gaiscioch Magazine [email protected] Gaiscioch Magazine Staff Managing Editor/Layout Benjamin “Foghladha” Foley This magazine began as a simple concept. To be a medium in which members could display and contribute their talents to publication viewable by the community, development studios, and the gaming media. We aim to provide a wealth of useful information about the family, our lives, and the games we play. In addition, it offers our members some experience copy writing, illustrating, editing and designing so that it may help them in their careers. Our content goal is to give a quarterly glimpse into the happenings within the Gaiscioch Family. We hope to bring our readers new information on the games we play from the perspective of gamers like themselves. Learn more about the Gaiscioch Family at: RaidCall: Join Channel: 1101 Editors: Brooke Needham Caitlin Martin Esther Foley Jessica Hunt Kimberly Perdue Contributing Writers: Althea “Briseadh” Damgaard Ashley James Smith Benjamin “Foghladha” Foley Beth Carlock Brooke “CuteKhaos” Needham Caitlin Martin Christine “Seacoral” Metz Donald Rush Darwick Alcero Herb Townsend Jessica Hunt Michael “Balry” Perez Wally “Pops” Anderson Artists: Benjamin “Foghladha” Foley Grysvok Sarlyn “Redvy” Denton Neoyoshi Gaiscioch Magazine is a strictly no profit volunteer run publication and does not accept monetary contributions what-so-ever. In the future we have plans to offer ad space to companies that donate to our charitable partners. If you have an idea for the magazine, please feel free to submit it. We will be publishing these Facebook: every quarter, and we hope to bring you some exclusive information about the games we play. Twitter: YouTube: iTunes Podcast: 2 I look forward to the future success of this community run magazine and I hope you enjoy it. Slan go foill!, Join the Gaiscioch Magazine volunteer team by visiting: Send guest articles, art, requests, comments and feedback to: [email protected]