Police Department went through a two-year process to receive accreditation. The work included self-
assessment and a CALEA assessment that included a site visit by organization representatives. The organi-
zation’s commission then had to vote to approve the accreditation.
“This team did an outstanding job making sure all of our standards and procedures are in compliance,”
English said.
Now that the department has received accreditation, over the next four years CALEA will review compli-
ance with its standards. In late 2023, it will determine whether the department should be re-accredited.
Each year until 2023, CALEA will evaluate 25% of its 484 standards to make sure the department is in com-
“I am proud of the work of our Police Department being recognized and awarded the CALEA accreditation,”
Americus Mayor Barry Blount said. “This speaks volumes to the dedication, professionalism, and hard
work of our law enforcement team. The citizens of Americus truly value our police force and the respected
public service that they provide.”
The purpose of the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies Inc. is to improve the de-
livery of public safety services, primarily by: maintaining a body of standards developed by public safety
practitioners covering a wide range of up-to-date public safety initiatives; establishing and administering an
accreditation process, and recognizing professional excellence. Specifically, CALEA’s goals are to strength-
en crime prevention and control capabilities, formalize essential management procedures, establish fair
and nondiscriminatory personnel practices, improve service delivery, solidify interagency cooperation and
coordination, and increase community and staff confidence in the agency.
The CALEA Accreditation Process is a proven modern management model. Once implemented, it presents
the chief executive officer on a continuing basis with a blueprint that promotes the efficient use of re-
sources and improves service delivery — regardless of the size, geographic location or functional respon-
sibilities of the agency.
This accreditation program provides public safety agencies an opportunity to voluntarily demonstrate that
they meet an established set of professional standards based on industry best practices and approved by
an all-volunteer board of commissioners.
www.gachiefs.com • Page 35 • 1st Quarter Newsletter