President Wesley Walker and GACP SACOP Representative
Brookhaven Police Chief Gary Yandura attend State Association
of Chiefs of Police (SACOP) meeting at the most recent IACP
Conference in Chicago.
Chief Mark Scott Presents to GMA
Workforce Advisory Council
On Tuesday, September 9, 2019, Americus
Police and 4 th Vice President Mark Scott
provided the Georgia Municipal Associa-
tion’s Municipal Workforce Development
Advisory Council an update on the GACP’s
study of Police Turnover and Compensa-
tion Study. Chief Scott reported they have
been working with two professors from
the University of Georgia who have com-
pleted the literature review as well as col-
lected data from POST council regarding
demographics on officers. They expect
the study to be published by the end of
2020. • Page 29 • 1st Quarter Newsletter