GACP 1st Quarter Newsletter 2018-1st Quarter Newsletter_Jan1 | Page 6

Message from the Training Coordinator

We are currently getting ready for the 2018 Winter Training Conference . Even though you may be planning to watch your favorite team play on Super Bowl Sunday , we still hope you plan to join us this year in Athens February 5-7 , 2018 . We have a great line-up of new training planned ( 14 hours ) that will help you be prepared to start the new year as the best law enforcement professional you can be .
Monica Duran GACP Training Coordinator
For a complete training calendar , visit our website
www . gachiefs . com
When selecting training , GACP attempted to meet the requests of the membership as best as possible . For instance , two of the main concerns presented by the Training Committee during the Summer Training Conference was recruitment and retention . After searching for several weeks for a current training program that would address these difficult topics , a training session was developed that included two chiefs from North Carolina that have experience in teaching sessions related to these issues . Also , to further address recruitment and retention obstacles specific to Georgia , a couple of our GACP members with expertise in this area will be present for a panel discussion with the membership .
Please make sure to stay alert and listen to instructions for scanning during training . If you see people waiting to leave the training area , they will probably be waiting to be scanned . When we upload the classes to your POST record , we will be looking for both a scan in and out time stamp in our records for the classes . If you are missing a scan , you will not automatically receive credit . Ideally , we would love for everyone ’ s classes to be posted perfectly . Being careful to scan in and out as directed will make this a smoother process for GACP and will make your life easier , too !
We have also noticed that several of you signed in late for classes due to meetings with vendors . We commend you for taking the time to meet with our vendors ; however , this often interferes with scanning and the posting training hours . We have added two extended breaks to help alleviate this problem . These breaks will allow more time in the exhibit area and facilitate more networking with our valued corporate members . In addition , we plan to improve our door prize drawing process by ensuring that more members get tickets and allocating more time in the exhibit area for the drawing .
www . gachiefs . com • Page 6 • 1st Quarter Newsletter