Gabriella Olivieri Publications Portfolio Annual Report - 2011 | Page 46

SUPPORT DIVISIONS Keeping up with today’s fast-paced world of technology is an evolving challenge, but the Law Department is well positioned for the foreseeable future because of the technology investments and IT accomplishments of 2011. Each year, the Division handles over 38,000 paychecks, hundreds of personnel actions, thousands of payments for expert witnesses, 4,000 requests for court reporters and depositions, and hundreds of individual procurements through the Procurement Unit. Moreover, it deposits money recovered in lawsuits on the City’s behalf. The Division’s efforts continue to focus on expansion and renovation of the Law Department’s facilities, speedy responses to staff changes, and automation of systems and processes to increase the Department’s ef?ciency. The Division also provides oversight and advice to other Department enterprises, such as information technology initiatives, equipment upgrades, and management evaluations. The past year has been one of unprecedented system uptime, reliability, quality, and availability, with IT services at close to 100 percent uptime. This milestone could only be reached through the superior teamwork and dedication of IT staff in administering, maintaining, planning, supporting, updating, and securing the Law Department’s network infrastructure. The IT Division expanded Citrix, the Law Department’s remote computing platform, which enables users to access work from nearly any location in the world. IT extended Citrix support this year to include not only support for Windows-based and Apple computers, but also Apple iPhone, Apple iPad, BlackBerry, and Android devices. Law Department employees with Citrix accounts can now be connected to the Of?ce while “on-the-go.” In 2011, Administration obtained approval to create a 250-person training room as part of the Agency’s 100 Church Street lease renewal. This will enhance the Law Department’s Continuing Legal Education efforts citywide. Administration also relocated over 100 employees from seven divisions/units at the Of?ce’s 100 Church Street headquarters to maximize the use of leased space and combine certain units in contiguous areas. ADMINISTRATION CHIEF Malachy Higgins DEPU T Y Anthony Johnson The Administration Division oversees business operations for the Law Department and is responsible for all expenditures of funds, collection of revenue and fees, procurement rules compliance, and personnel processing. Staff also provide general administrative oversight and development of internal policies, rules, and regulations. Finally, the Division currently stores 170,000 boxes containing inactive case files, and is responsible for the physical maintenance of 10 citywide Law Department offices, in addition to the Kingston, New York office, which totals a half-million square feet of space. The Division implemented an increase to the Agency’s main server room ventilation and air conditioning capacity to prevent possible network downtime, and facilitated the required capital funding from the City’s Of?ce of Management and Budget to improve the Agency’s Information Technology infrastructure and upgrades to the Workers’ Compensation and LawManager case management systems. Additionally, Administration completed the categorization and shelving of approximately 50,000 archive boxes at the Law Department’s Bush Terminal storage facility, which will reduce ?le retrieval time, and disposed of 45,000 archive boxes of expired case records from the facility to allow for additional space for closed case ?les, freeing up of?ce space throughout the ?ve boroughs. The Division also took steps to enhance management reporting capabilities in its Fiscal and Cashiers Units in the accruals, ?xed asset, and revenue accounting areas. HANDLED OVER 38,000 PAYCHECKS 43 PLANNED 250- PERSON TRAINING ROOM HANDLED OVER RELOCATED OVER 4,000 100 REQUESTS FOR COURT REPORTERS EMPLOYEES FOR SPACE MAXIMIZATION DISPOSED OF CATEGORIZED & SHELVED 45,000 50,000 ARCHIVE BOXES FOR SPACE MAXIMIZATION ARCHIVE BOXES TO REDUCE FILE RETRI